Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Direct and Indirect

Pengertian Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct speech merupakan cara untuk melaporkan apa yang orang telah katakan atau tulis, berupa pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya, dengan mengutip persis perkataannya. Sebaliknya pada indirect speech, perkataan disampaikan dengan mengubah formatnya agar menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya

5 Contoh Direct Speech
1.      “I’ll be back soon,” he said.
2.      “I like eating out,” said Vina.
3.      “Wake up now!” she shouted.
4.      “Shut up the window!” she shouted.
5.      “Should I see the dentist tomorrow?” asked Tommy.

5 Contoh Indirect Speech
1.      Rudi has told me He loves me.
2.      Tomy will tell Lina that He needs her here.
3.      He said that the girl was happy.
4.      He said that that the girl had been working hard.
5.      He will tell us that he is tired

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